S’wak Education Ministry’s visit to Curtin University Australia to explore tie-up prospects


Sagah (fourth right) presents a memento to Hayne, as (from left) Debora, Leunig, Zhang, Azmi, Dr Liang and Joanna look on.

MIRI (March 16): A delegation from the Ministry of Education, Innovation and Talent Development (MEITD) recently held a field trip to Curtin University in Perth, Australia to explore potential collaborations between both parties.

The delegation, led by the minister Dato Sri Roland Sagah Wee Inn, was welcomed by the campus’ vice-chancellor Prof Harlene Hayne, deputy vice-chancellor global (interim) Prof Zhang Xiao Tian, and pro vice-chancellor research (interim) Prof Lindy Fitzgerald.

The MEITD delegation was then briefed by Zhang on Curtin’s campuses in Australia, as well as around the world including in Malaysia, its faculties and schools, its 2030 vision and strategic partnership worldwide.

The visitors were later taken on a campus tour where they went to see the key facilities that played vital roles in Curtin’s education.

Sagah, in a press statement, remarked that the objectives of the field trip were to gain more insights on Curtin’s educational facilities, and to explore collaboration opportunities with the university.

Accompanying Sagah in the visit are MEITD permanent secretary Datu Azmi Bujang, undersecretary of innovation division Dr Liang Cheong Yaw and special administrative officer Joanna Federick Ginda.

Curtin University Malaysia, meanwhile, was represented by its pro vice-chancellor cum president and chief executive Prof Simon Leunig, and future students and external engagement in-charge Debora Caroline.