S’wak Transport Minister leads delegates to study river management in China


Lee (right) and Henry (left) looking at the latest dredger model by Tianjin Dredging Company (TDC).

KUCHING (April 6): Transport Minister Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin led a benchmarking visit to China, from March 25 to 31, to delve into the country’s innovative approaches to river management and transportation.

During the visit, Lee paid a courtesy call to the Malaysian Ambassador to China Dato Norman Muhamad.

Additionally, he visited the Global Sustainable Transport Innovation and Knowledge Centre (GSTIKC), which plays a pivotal role in advancing sustainable transportation initiatives aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, in Beijing

Lee also visited the Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering (TIWTE), where he was briefed on the ongoing research initiatives by the institute’s vice-presidents and explored various research facilities like the Large Wave Flume Laboratory and Centrifuge Laboratory.

“Lee and his delegation further explored the barrage of the Haihe River and Haihe River’s Sluice Gates Management Department in Tianjin. During the visit, they received a detailed briefing regarding the management of the Haihe Barrage, including insights into innovative digitalisation initiatives and the barrage’s crucial role in flood and tide control.

“The delegation also had the opportunity to visit the CCCC Tianjin Dredging Company (TDC) and Tianjin Port, where the general manager of TDC Zhou Guangtao provided a comprehensive briefing and introduced them to the company’s projects, showcasing the latest models of their dredging fleet.

“The visit to Tianjin Port also included briefing on its digital transformation, highlighting the integration of 5G telecommunications and intelligent ICT infrastructures to advance towards an autonomous driving and world first ‘Smart Zero Carbon’ terminal,” the ministry said in a statement.

Following their visit to Tianjin Port, the delegation proceeded to Yichang, China to explore the Three Gorges Dam, Barrage and shiplocks, where they received a comprehensive briefing on the history, planning and construction of the aforesaid facilities, as well as witness the impressive structures in a site visit.

The ministry’s delegates additionally extended a courtesy visit to the mayor of Yichang Municipal People’s Government Ma Zejiang.

During the visit, both parties expressed support to bolstering cooperation between Sarawak and China, particularly in transportation, tourism and green energy sector with a specific emphasis on hydrogen energy.

Before returning to Malaysia, Lee also met Wang Junjin, the chief executive officer of Juneyao Airlines and the Board Chairman of Juneyao Group at their headquarters in Shanghai, China to explore the possibility of extending their service into Sarawak.

The delegates include Deputy Minister for Transport II (Riverine & Marine) Datuk Henry Harry Jinep; Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB) board member Chieng Jin Ek; Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Transport Sarawak (MOTS) Selamat Jati Yanjah; Section Head for Riverine and Maritime MOTS Teo Swee Ann; SRB controller Lt Col Ding Tiew Wong; SRB board member Captain Ting Hien Liong; and MOTS and SRB officers.