Sarawak Metro holds road safety campaign for road users along KUTS project alignment


Sarawak Metro together with ICJV personnel distributing safety pamphlets and vests to motorists along the Kuching-Samarahan Expressway.

KUCHING (May 23): Sarawak Metro Sdn Bhd (Sarawak Metro) has embarked on a road safety awareness campaign to inculcate greater road safety habits, especially among road users along the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) project alignment that is currently being constructed.

The campaign kicked off today with a road safety awareness promotion along the Kuching-Samarahan Expressway that was organised jointly with the KUTS project’s Blue Line Package 1 contractor – ICJV – a joint venture between Ibraco Construction Sdn Bhd and China Railway Engineering Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd.

The campaign was held in collaboration with the Royal Malaysia Police, Road Transport Department, Public Works Department (JKR) Kota Samarahan, Samarahan Resident’s Office, Kota Samarahan Municipal Council and Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Sarawak, said a press release.

The campaign aimed to enhance public awareness on road safety during the construction of the KUTS project especially towards inculcating greater safe practices among motorists, pedestrians as well as the project’s construction workers.

Apart from encouraging road users to observe traffic rules, signages and safety guidelines, the campaign was chiefly to avoid traffic accidents around the construction sites.

Sarawak Metro chief executive officer Mazli Mustaffa said: “We are prioritising all aspects of safety, especially traffic safety, and particularly now when we have commenced with construction works”.

“We all play an important part in ensuring the safety of road users and it is crucial for everyone to observe the traffic rules and instructions especially near the construction sites at all times,” said Mazli, who also thanked ICJV for their support and commitment towards the campaign.

During the campaign, road users were given ‘goodie bags’ containing safety pamphlets as well as safety vests.