Fadillah: M’sia conducting in-depth feasibility study on nuclear energy


Fadillah speaks with reporters when met at the event. — Photo by Roystein Emmor

KUCHING (June 9): Malaysia is currently in the midst of a comprehensive feasibility study on nuclear energy to determine whether it is applicable for the nation, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof.

The Minister of Energy Transition and Water Transformation made this remark in light of the adoption of small modular reactors (SMRs) for nuclear energy by several other nations.

“We are currently conducting a study to assess its suitability. No decision has been made yet on whether it will be used, but we have just begun the study,” he told the media when met at the Regatta Sarawak Sejijak 2024 event at Kampung Sejijak here today.

Fadillah highlighted the necessity to meticulously assess potential risks associated with nuclear energy and emphasised the imperative need for risk management protocols.

“We must determine if we can manage those risks. We need to analyse the technology, safety, environmental impact and costs comprehensively. Everything must be studied,” he said.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, SMRs represent a technologically-advanced class of nuclear reactors, boasting a power capacity of up to 300 megawatts electrical per unit — equivalent to approximately one-third of the output capacity of conventional nuclear power reactors.

These SMRs have the capability to generate a substantial quantity of low-carbon electricity, underscoring their potential significance in the global energy landscape.