Premier: Sarawak to allocate RM1 bln for rice production over next two years


Abang Johari shows a local product by a conference exhibitor. From right are Dr Rundi, Dr Azman, and Dr Abdul Rahman. – Photo by Kong Jun Liung

KUCHING (June 11): The Sarawak government will allocate RM1 billion for rice production over the next two years, said Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

The Premier said half of this allocation would go towards rice irrigation next year and the other RM500 million would be for 2026.

“We want to identify 10,000ha of land for rice production, which we are targeting to produce an estimated 240,000 metric tonnes a year.

“This is part of our efforts to ensure that Sarawak will be self-sufficient in rice,” he said in his speech for the 2nd Regional Conference on Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation 2024 here today.

He also told reporters the state government is seeking financial assistance from the federal government to fund the rice production initiative in Sri Aman.

He said the state had estimated RM1 billion is needed to develop 10,000ha of land for rice production in Stumbin, Lingga, and Tanjung Bijat.

“I had met up with Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu when he came over to Kuching and briefed him on what we are going to do with our rice production.

“We were comparing between Stumbin, Lingga, and Tanjung Bijat with areas in Kedah and the acreage was almost the same with investment in irrigation at about RM1 billion.

“So, I requested from him whether it was possible for the federal government to also chip in but he said due to the amount, he would have to refer to the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) as he is also the Finance Minister,” he said.

The Premier said Food Industry, Commodity, and Regional Development Minister Dato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi Utom is following up on the matter, but added the state government is ready to match federal funding.

“We are ready to give on a one-to-one basis. If they give RM500 million, we give RM500 million and if they give RM1 billion, then we will give RM1 billion.

“This is so that we can explore the possibility of developing the same for other areas,” he said.

Abang Johari also said the state planned to develop more rice production areas in Limbang and Lawas in future.

“This means that we may be able to produce 400,000 to 500,000 metric tonnes of rice a year and whatever surplus we have, we can share with Peninsular Malaysia.

“By then Malaysia can be self-sufficient (in rice) and no longer need to depend on imports from India, Vietnam, or Thailand,” he said.

Among those present at the ceremony were Food Industry, Commodity, and Regional Development deputy ministers Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Ismail and Datuk Martin Ben; and Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Mardi) chairman Dr Azman Ismail.