Two police reports filed against author of articles disparaging Abg Jo, intent on destabilising Sarawak


Datuk Idris Buang

KOTA SAMARAHAN (June 11): Two police reports have been lodged here against the person behind articles seeking to disparage Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, said Datuk Idris Buang.

Without elaborating on the police reports, the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) information chief said the police reports are necessary following several unsavoury “attacks” on the state and its leaders, which have gone viral on social media.

“At the time of writing this, I was made to understand that some police reports had been lodged by some Sarawakians against this author for a case of criminal defamation under the Penal Code,” he told The Borneo Post today.

“We would like to urge the police to investigate this author for his malicious writing that is clearly made out of sheer bad faith in order to injure the reputation of our YAB Premier of Sarawak.”

The Muara Tuang assemblyman and Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) information chief claimed such freelance or ghostwriters seek to destabilise Sarawak in every way possible.

“To do this, they target our leaders. Their contents on social media are purely meant to insult, vilify, annoy, and lower the estimation of our leaders in the eyes of the world.

“These are the types of writers who are neither ethical journalists nor respectable in any way because their skills are devoted to speaking as much ill as they could of our leaders,” he said.

According to Idris, such individuals write “sensational stories, which are a package of bunkum and baloney trying to thrill readers just to earn a few cents to survive in this challenging time while hoping to make it to the top”.

“Such a despicable attitude would only land them into trouble. Here’s a punch from me on the nose of this type of writer, including this particular one who feels like he is being targeted at,” he added.