NGOs press for Gawai, Kaamatan as national public holidays


Participants looking resplendent in their traditional costumes during the Gawai Dayak parade in Betong town. — Photo by Chimon Upon

KUCHING (June 12): A group of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from Sarawak has urged the federal government to recognise Gawai Dayak on June 1 in Sarawak and Kaamatan on May 30 in Sabah as national public holidays.

They say such recognition fits the ‘Malaysia Madani’ concept and gives an impression of better treatment from the federal government towards Sabah and Sarawak.

“We ask that, on the basis of equality, Gawai and Kaamatan for the indigenous peoples of Sarawak and Sabah be declared as national holidays.”

The statement was signed by Persatuan Intelektual Pribumi Sarawak founder and advisor Wellie Henry Majang, deputy president Ricky Sani, and legal advisor Paul Raja; Persatuan Terabai Menua Sarawak founder Wilfred Nissem; and Sarawak Salako and Rara Community Association president Robert Umping.

They stressed that there is a need to recognise the two celebrations because the key principle of the Malaysian Federation, as outlined in the Federal Constitution, was to celebrate the diversity of its various races, religions, cultures and regions.

“Serian MP Dato Sri Richard Riot Jaem recently emphasised the unique and crucial role of Sarawak and Sabah in the federation, asserting that without these states, there would be no Malaysia.

“Echoing Riot’s sentiment, we would like to highlight the importance of safeguarding the special rights of the indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak, as guaranteed by Article 153(1) of the Federal Constitution,” the NGOs said.