UMS protesters immature, says Shahelmey


Shahelmey with the representatives of the mosques, surau, government departments and Rukun Tetangga Area under Putatan parliamentary constituency.

KOTA KINABALU (June 15): Deputy Chief Minister III Datuk Shahelmey Yahya hopes that the #KamiMahuAir protestors will take lessons from their experience to become ethical citizens and be more mature in making decisions.

According to him, the government is always open to accepting proposals or memorandums from anyone, but it must be done in accordance with the rules and ethically.

“When the protest took place at Menara Kinabalu on Friday, I was delegated by the Chief Minister to receive the memorandum they wanted to deliver. However, the protesters refused to give it to me, because they only wanted to hand it over to the Chief Minister themselves.

“The Chief Minister was not at Menara Kinabalu when the incident happened, so he informed me that he is willing to accept the memorandum with an appointment that can be set next week,” he said when asked about the issue on Saturday.

Shahelmey, who is also the Works Minister, said they did not even need to protest because the Chief Minister will accept the memorandum by just making an appointment.

“Early this afternoon, I understood that they refused to make an appointment with the Chief Minister and instead said that the memorandum can be found through postings on social media.

“This is an immature attitude. In any government official affairs, that should know the ethics and rules, let alone if you are dealing with the Chief Minister,” he said.

During the event, Shahelmey handed over 30 sacrificial cows to mosques, surau, government departments and Rukun Tetangga Area under Putatan parliamentary constituency.