Premier: Sarawak willing to co-host 2027 SEA Games with conditions


Abang Johari with the Sukma torch at the final leg of the 21st Sukma baton run while (from left) Rentap, Abdul Karim and Hii look on. – Photo by Roystein Emmor

KUCHING (June 23): Sarawak is willing to serve as co-host of the 2027 Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) in Malaysia provided that certain conditions are met, said Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

He said one of the conditions proposed by Sarawak to Putrajaya was that some of SEA Games sporting events must be held in the state.

“We also suggested for the opening ceremony of the SEA Games to be held in Sarawak while the closing ceremony can be in Putrajaya.

“If they can agree to this, Sarawak has no problems to step up and serve as co-host of the SEA Games in 2027,” he told a press conference after officiating the final leg of the 21st Malaysia Games (Sukma) baton run at Kuching Waterfront here today.

He said Sarawak was approached by Putrajaya on co-hosting SEA Games in view of the high cost to host the biennial games.

“Hosting the SEA Games is expected to cost the federal government an estimated RM750 million so meaning we will share half of the cost in 2027 based on our ability.

“Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh has already spoken with (Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development Minister) Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah and the Prime Minister had also asked me unofficially when we signed the Bintulu Port agreement in Kuala Lumpur whether Sarawak can become co-host,” he said.

He said Sarawak was willing to become co-host of SEA Games as it serves as a good opportunity to discover and develop Malaysia’s athletes who will be competing with athletes from other countries.

“It is also one of the objectives of our Post Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030 agenda under talent development which includes sports,” he added.

He said the state would have to start saving now to prepare for the Games in three years’ time.

“I’ve also asked Dato Sri Abdul Karim to discuss with Hannah on how many of the events would be held in Sarawak and how many would be in Putrajaya.”

Earlier in his speech, Abang Johari said Sarawak agreed to be host of Sukma to contribute towards the development of sports in the country.

“Even though the cost is high, we feel that it can help in developing sports in Malaysia and that is why I agreed to hosting Sukma.

“We want to contribute to the development of sports not only for Sarawak but also our friends throughout the country. This is our Sarawakian spirit,” he said.

He congratulated state athletes for training hard in preparation for Sukma.

“This is the platform for you to test your respective talents. If (state para-athlete) Bonnie Bunyau Gustin can do it, I believe all athletes can be like him too. The same goes for athletes from other states.

“After all, competitions are there for you to excel and you have to put in your utmost effort,” he said.

Among those present were Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian, Abdul Karim, Women, Childhood and Community Wellbeing Development Minister Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah, Deputy Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development Minister Dato Gerald Rentap Jabu, and Deputy State Secretary and Sukma chief executive officer Datu Hii Chang Kee.