Forensic pathologist testifies on cause of maid’s death


Mohammad Ambree

KOTA KINABALU June 25): A High Court here today was told that the cause of death of a 28-year-old maid, who was allegedly murdered by her employers, was infection of the tissue under her skin which was due to the injuries sustained.

Forensic pathologist Dr Jessie Hiu, 57, told Justice Datuk Dr Lim Hock Leng that the deceased sustained multiple injuries on her head, face, body and limbs.

The witness explained that the wound infection (including necrotizing fasciitis) and septicemia (blood infection) are common complications of extensive scald and other type of burns.

“These complications can be fatal if untreated,” she said.

Jessie was testifying in the trial of contractor Mohammad Ambree Yunos @ Unos, 40, and his wife Etiqah Siti Noorashikeen Mohd Sulong, 33, who were charged under Section 302 of the Penal Code.


Mohammad Ambree and Etiqah were accused of killing their maid at the third floor of a house at Jalan Lintas Lido in Penampang between December 10 and 13, 2021.

In her witness statement, Jessie stated that she also found during post-mortem examination that the deceased’s right eye was swollen and bruised, her nasal bone was fractured, her shins and ankles were swollen with areas of reddish discolouration of the skin.

She explained that the deceased’s lower lip was bruised and swollen with multiple lacerations on the inner aspect of her lips, upper gum and frenulum.

“There were patchy irregular areas of loss of skin layer forming geographic pattern at the shoulders, shoulder joint areas, arms, chest and abdomen. The skin loss was likely due to scald.

“The usual appearance of scald injury was altered in this case due to the state of decomposition. Internal examination showed underlying tissue infection causing collection of purulent fluid and necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue, fascia and other soft tissues of the shoulder joints, the upper part of the arms and left scapula area,” the witness testified.

Jessie further said in her witness statement that the examination of the lower limbs revealed infection of the soft tissues due to underlying wounds on the right thigh, right knee, left thigh and left ankle.

“There was abscess underlying the wound at the left thigh. This soft tissue infection can cause blood infection or toxic shock syndrome (life-threatening condition caused by bacteria getting into the body and releasing harmful toxins) leading to death.

“The stomach mucosa showed a few scattered punctate erosions and there was an ulcer in the duodenum, however, no bleeding, perforation or other fatal complication was observed. The erosions and ulcer may be stress induced,” she said.

Jessie further testified that her post-mortem examination also found that most of the deceased’s skin cuticle on her face, neck, front and back of body, upper limbs and front of thighs had sloughed off due to decomposition.

“The deceased was only clad in long pants and panty. There was a bangle around her left wrist and the bangle is black with yellowish pale areas.

“Her head hair was black and short with missing patches of hair while her eyebrows were absent,” explained Jessie.

To another question, she said she had conducted the post-mortem examination on the deceased on December 16, 2021 starting at about 11am.

Jessie said that the deceased was preliminarily identified by her husband based on a bangle worn around her left wrist.

Under examination-in-chief by the prosecution, the witness testified that six small penetrating wounds on the deceased might be caused by slightly sharp tip, small in calibre as well as has blunt component object.

To another question, she testified that eight incised wounds on the deceased might be caused by an object with sharp cutting edge.

She further testified that 10 laceration wounds or full thickness in skin split injury on the deceased might due a to blunt force trauma.

To another question, the witness said that the six bruises found on the deceased might be caused by a blunt hard object or surface.

When asked by the prosecution that in the witness statement she stated “loss of skin was likely due to scald”, she testified that scald is a skin burn injury due to hot liquid or vapor.

To another question, Jessie testified that based on the appearance of the deceased’s body, the estimated time of death was between two to three days before the body was found.

The prosecution stated in their question that based on evidence, the body of the deceased was found dead at the crime scene on December 13, 2021 at night.

The prosecution had applied for a video allegedly taken on December 8, 2021 and allegedly found on a cellphone seized by the police where at that time the deceased was still alive.

The video was played until it finished in an open court and then it was played again and then paused to focus on a woman in the said video in order for the prosecution to ask Jessie whether the alleged injuries were severe enough for the deceased to be brought to clinic or hospital for treatment. Jessie answered “Yes”.

However, the court reminded that no evidence has yet be given that the video was taken on December 8, 2021.

This case was first brought to court on December 29, 2021.

On April 26, 2022, Etiqah, who was represented by counsel Dato’ Seri Rakhbir Singh, had succeeded in her appeal against a High Court’s verdict which disallowed her to be released on a bail and she was released on RM30,000 bail with one local surety by the Court of Appeal here.

Then on October 20, 2022 Mohammad Ambree, who was defended by counsel Datuk Ram Singh, was granted bail of RM30,000 with RM10,000 with two local sureties by a High Court here.

The trial will resume on June 26.