Miri bodybuilder dies of heart attack after returning from tournament in Sibu


File photo of Suharwardi with his trophies.

MIRI (June 25): The bodybuilding fraternity in the state mourns the loss of one of its members, Suharwardi Dahlan, who died of a heart attack after returning from a two-day tournament in Sibu.

Suharwardi, 38, was pronounced dead at his home in Pujut Tanjung Batu around 3am on Monday.

His team manager, Azri Asmat Sefri who led the group to the 58th Mr Sarawak Bodybuilding Championships in Sibu over the weekend, said Suharwardi was one of the 11 athletes selected to represent Miri after winning a medal in Mr Miri championship.

“It was his first time participating in Mr Miri, and he immediately qualified to represent Miri in Mr Sarawak.

“The news of his passing came as a shock, and it is a huge loss to the bodybuilding fraternity, especially in Miri,” he said when contacted today.

In the Mr Sarawak Bodybuilding Championships, Suharwardi took part in the Athletic Physique category but did not win any medals.

He said that the team, which travelled in their own vehicles, returned to Miri on Sunday afternoon.

Meanwhile, Suharwardi’s wife, Nurul said her late husband arrived home around 11pm on Sunday night.

“When he arrived, he took a shower and went to bed. At around 2.40am, I realised that he was unconscious and immediately contacted the paramedics who later pronounced him dead,” she said, adding that they had been married for 12 years.

Suharwardi was buried at the Muslim cemetery at Sungai Baong on Monday.