DBKK committed to tackling climate change, says Abidin Madingkir


Abidin (right) launching the Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Report for Kota Kinabalu Climate Change Action 2024-2030.

KOTA KINABALU (June 27): Nestled by the sea, Kota Kinabalu faces significant environmental challenges and must urgently address the impacts of climate change, said Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, Datuk Abidin Madingkir.

He said this during the launch of the Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Report for Kota Kinabalu Climate Change Action 2024-2030, on Thursday.

“Cities are on the frontlines of the global climate crisis, uniquely positioned to lead the charge in driving climate action. Kota Kinabalu, nestled by the sea, faces significant environmental challenges and must urgently address the impacts of climate change.

“The participation of Kota Kinabalu City Hall in the COP28 event in Dubai, UAE, last December 2023, marks a significant milestone in our city’s journey towards combating climate change. Climate change is a universal issue, and collaboration with other local authorities on a unified platform is immensely beneficial.

“As the third tier of governance, local governments play a crucial role in engaging and communicating with the community. This positions us to be primary influencers in fostering a more socially conscious civil society and to better understand the challenges confronting our city,” he said.

According to the minister in charge of DBKK, the climate change actions report builds on the city’s existing mitigation-focused plans, including the Kota Kinabalu Green City Action Plan.

As Kota Kinabalu City Hall’s climate actions continue to develop, the central inclusive vision of “A Nature Resort City” will guide the city’s implementation and evaluation efforts in the coming years.

Abidin added the report aligns with the Sabah Maju Jaya Roadmap and Pelan KK 2035, aims to fulfil the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The report provides a comprehensive roadmap for monitoring and evaluating actions to achieve carbon reduction and lead ambitious climate initiatives, ensuring a climate-resilient future for our city and future generations.

“This report represents a significant step forward in Kota Kinabalu’s commitment to tackling climate change.

“By setting clear goals and involving a wide range of stakeholders, the City Hall is dedicated to making Kota Kinabalu a model of sustainability and resilience in the face of environmental challenges,” added Abidin.

Also present at the launching ceremony was Mayor of Kota Kinabalu, Datuk Seri Sabin Samitah.